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Exhibitions are always thematic and we seek to select such areas of interest that are attractive for the general public.

Permanent exhibitions
Our permanent exhibitions offer visitors an opportunity to see the museum’s interesting collections neatly arranged by time periods.
The library is the museum’s centrepiece. Visitors are not only intrigued by its collection of volumes but also by the atmosphere of this room.
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Tower Tours
At any time during opening hours, price 50 CZK per person
Voluntary entrance fee
You only pay as much as you want to enter the museum
Virtual Tour
You can also take a virtual tour of our museum.

The North Bohemian Museumin Liberec

The North Bohemian Museum was founded in 1873 as the oldest museum
of applied arts in the Czech lands. Since its foundation the museum was very successful at gathering valuable collections of applied arts from Europe and Asia

The North Bohemian Museum in Liberec is one of the largest museums in the Czech Republic. The Museum was founded in 1873 as the oldest museum of applied arts in the Czech lands. Since its foundation the museum was very successful at gathering valuable collections of applied arts from Europe and Asia.

Come and visit the North Bohemian Museum and explore its many interesting exhibits. All the museum staff strive to make it a place where you can discover valuable historical exhibits. Some of them can be even tried out, such as some of the old music machines.
Mgr. Jiří Křížek
Chtěli bychom poděkovat všem našim partnerům, kteří nám pomáhají finančně tak i materiálně. Pokud máte zájem se stát našim partnerem neváhejte nás kontaktovat.
We would like to thank all our partners who help us both financially and in-kind. If you are interested in becoming our partner, please do not hesitate to contact us.